There’s so much more you can do to fight PKD, at every step of the way.

Supporting Live Kidney Donation

pkDO is partnering with transplant centers to implement proven methods to increase live kidney donation. By significantly increasing live donation we will effectively reduce the wait for a deceased donor by years. Learn more about how live donation increases quality of life. 


Slowing the Progression

pkDO is actively providing PKD impacted families with the necessary resources and information to slow the progression of PKD in young adults. Learn more about how approved medicines as well as lifestyle and regimen changes can help you maintain healthy kidney function for decades longer. 


Ending PKD in Your Family

pkDO is actively engaging with PKD impacted families to provide the necessary resources, including preimplantation genetic testing. Our goal is to reduce the risk of PKD being passed down to future generations from 50% to 0%. Learn more about how you can put an end to PKD in your family.