What is Polycystic Kidney Disease (“PKD”)?

PKD is a genetic condition that results in cysts on the kidneys with a 50% chance of being passed on to children. As the cysts grow, normal kidney function is impacted and often results in kidney failure by the time the patient is in their late 40’s or 50’s.”

PKD is the fourth leading cause of Kidney failure in the US, impacting an estimated 600,000 Americans with ~70% of the cases undiagnosed until it is too late.

pkDO’s goal is to ensure that families with a history of PKD can take meaningful action to manage the onset of symptoms today, delay the disease’s progression for tomorrow, and eliminate it for the next generation.

View Our Mission >

The Kellner Family

When we discovered my wife Jo had PKD, we were told there was nothing to do until her kidneys failed.

The Cavallaro Family

My family first discovered PKD more than 30 years ago, with my dad Phil Cavallaro.

The Meyer Family

My wife and I successfully went through the process of PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Testing) and with a team of wonderful doctors we have our amazing son who is PKD free.


Molly and Kristi

I call it a miracle that I am healthy today since I came close to needing dialysis.

The Patterson Family

On Halloween 2019 I received the call of a lifetime. It was my transplant coordinator from University of Utah telling me I was going to finally get a transplant from an anonymous donor named Sheryce.

Amy Leininger

I learned about my recipient’s kidney disease via Instagram and saw she was in serious need of a kidney donor.


Tim Francis

I was 24 years old when I found out I had Polycystic Kidney Disease.  I went to the radiologist for a lump on my chest. As we were looking at the scans the radiologist said, “Can I show you something?

Scott MacLean

My father, my brother, and I all have Polycystic Kidney Disease. When I was diagnosed, I was told I had 5 years until I’d reach end stage kidney failure.


How We Fight PKD

There’s so much more you can do to fight PKD, at every step of the way.

  • Supporting Live Kidney Donation

    pkDO is partnering with transplant centers to implement proven methods to increase live kidney donation. By significantly increasing live donation we will effectively reduce the wait for a deceased donor by years. Learn more about how live donation increases quality of life.

  • Slowing the Progression

    pkDO is actively providing PKD impacted families with the necessary resources and information to slow the progression of PKD in young adults. Learn more about how approved medicines as well as lifestyle and regimen changes can help you maintain healthy kidney function for decades longer.

  • Ending PKD in Your Family

    pkDO is actively engaging with PKD impacted families to provide the necessary resources, including preimplantation genetic testing. Our goal is to reduce the risk of PKD being passed down to future generations from 50% to 0%. Learn more about how you can put an end to PKD in your family.

Donate Now to Support Families Fighting PKD

The PKD Outreach Foundation (pkDO) is honored to work with medical specialists to support our mission to end PKD. Please consider donating to help with our mission.