PKD-free Babies

A new generation of PKD-free children

As part of our mission to end PKD, pkDO will fund pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT-M) for 100 families, to enable a new generation of children to be born without PKD.

Our goal is to end PKD with the next generation of children and grandchildren.

If you or your family would like to get help with funding for PGT-M, please provide us with more information so that we can better understand your IVF journey.

Eligibility will be determined on a case by case basis.

Latest from pkDO

  • Watch Rich Kellner on The Spoonie Podcast with Emily Fraser

  • Pregnancy with PKD: how to navigate healthcare costs for IVF and PGT-M.

  • pkDO founder Rich Kellner talks about 100 PKD-Free Babies on Jim Myers' podcast

Find an IVF Specialist

To find an in vitro fertility specialist in your area, visit the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology website below.

In Vitro information

How PGT-M Works

PGT-M is used to help potential parents have PKD-free pregnancies when undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In Vitro Fertilization

During the IVF process, ovaries are stimulated in order to mature multiple eggs. These are retrieved and fertilized with sperm to create embryos. The embryos are then cultured to the blastocyst stage of development.

Genetic Testing

At this stage, an embryo biopsy is performed and specimens are sent to a laboratory for genetic testing. This does not damage the embryos nor does it diminish their implantation potential. Testing takes 1-3 weeks.

PKD-Free Pregnancy

A healthy embryo that does not have the disease can be transferred to the womb for a PKD-free pregnancy. With four successful PKD-free births in 2023, we look forward to supporting more PKD-free pregnancies in 2024.